Setting Kids Up for Oral Health Care Success

Did you know that the Canadian Dental Association recommends that children have their first dental visit by age 1 or 6 months after their first tooth comes in?
Yep! That’s right! And we at Dietrich Family Dentistry advocate for this too!
We know what you might be thinking, what could possibly need to be done on a kid that young? Well, we do lots of things in that first visit. We like to think of it as the first chance we get to make a good impression on that young mind and set them up for a lifetime of successful, stress free, dental visits.
In that first visit, we spend a great deal of time chatting and counselling with the child’s caregivers. We cover information regarding diet, oral hygiene, the importance of regular brushing with a fluoridated toothpaste (age and cavity-risk dependent) and daily flossing. We go over what to expect for eruption timing and sequence, use of soothers or advice on what to do if your kid likes their thumb a bit too much.
We try to get in a quick peek at those developing pearly whites, too! We do this easily with the help of the caregiver, in a knee- to-knee exam. We believe that if caregivers are well informed on how to provide the best oral health care at home, the risk of developing tooth decay and other oral issues is greatly reduced.
Many of the preventive oral health care services we provide are covered by the Children’s Oral Health Program through MSI up to age 15. This program ensures that Nova Scotia families will not have any out-of-pocket expenses for insured services for their children up until the last day of the month they turn 15.
If you would like to know more or book your child in for their first visit, please give the office a call at 902-644-2957.