We all know that drinking lots of water is good for your overall health. Did you know that it also helps with your oral health? Drinking water helps to rinse away any food debris that is left behind after a meal or snack and it helps neutralize acid that is created by the cavity-causing bacteria in your mouth! As we know acid is what destroys the enamel and causes cavities, so drinking plenty of water helps to reduce your risk of developing cavities!
We recommend to drink water after every meal and to be your only source of hydration in between meals. Sugary drinks introduce more sugar into your mouth, and the cavity-causing bacteria will feed on that sugar and produce more acid. MORE ACID = MORE CAVITIES. So to rinse away left over food debris and neutralize your mouth pH, water is best!
Did you know there are Timer Apps for your phone to help you remember to drink water?! There are literally apps for everything these days! Our best way to remember is to always carry a reusable water bottle around filled with plain ol’ water!